TEDxUCSanDiego Presents:


May 18, 2024

"Expiration Date" explores the fleeting nature of existence, emphasizing how the passage of time brings both progress and decline. This reflection extends beyond the material world, touching on the expiration of ideas and societal norms. It prompts consideration of whether expiration is arbitrary or predetermined, urging proactive responses to time constraints. The ambiguity of expiration invites innovation and nuance, highlighting the balance between temporariness and timeliness. Ultimately, it invites contemplation on navigating life's transient journey amidst constant change. Join us for TEDxUCSanDiego’s 12th annual conference for provocative talks, interactive experiences, and to be a part of ideas worth spreading!


Featured Talks from Our Events

How the Blind See the World

Christine Ha

Christine Ha talks about her personal experiences being blind and how it shaped her perspective on how people treat the disabled. She sheds light on how many of the things we take for granted everyday are not always so accommodating to others who deal with disabilities.

Surviving Auschwitz, you had to have guts

Rose Schindler

Rose Schindler was born and raised in Seredne, Czechoslovakia. Rose was deported to Auschwitz II-Birkenau along with her parents, aunt, five sisters and two brothers when she was just 14 years old. This is the personal story of Rose surviving the Holocaust, starting a new life, ultimately finding love, joy and her life’s purpose.

How to Figure Out Who You Are as an Asian American

Mayuko Inoue

Mayuko shares her experience growing up as Japanese American and the lessons learned throughout. From challenges of growing up as a minority, to finding purpose and fulfillment in her Software Engineering career, her mental health journey, and ultimately to her creating content on Youtube. In crafting together the different pieces of her life, she'll share what she's learned to helped her define and own her own identity

Why the Rich are Getting Richer

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is an entrepreneur and the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, the #1 bestselling personal finance book of all time. In his talk, he discusses the power of financial education and how it relates to income inequality